Patients & Visitors

When you visit or stay at Edgerton Hospital and Health Services, we want your experience to be comfortable and of the highest quality. So it is our goal to maintain a healthy environment for all who enter our facility.

Please reference these policies when visiting patients: 

Visiting Hours

No Smoking Policy
Edgerton Hospital is a smoke-free campus. Please help us maintain a clean-air environment by not smoking anywhere on the property, including parking lots and outdoor areas.

Pet Policy
As long as patients’ pets are up to date on immunizations, they are welcome to visit. Please see a nurse or the receptionist to provide proof of immunizations.

Parking is available in the lot in front of the hospital. Handicap parking is available.

Tips for Visitors

  • Wash your hands before and after your visit.
  • If you are ill with a cold or the flu, please reschedule your visit for when you are feeling well.
  • Think twice before bringing an infant under the age of six months into the hospital, as babies at this age are still developing their immune systems.
  • While patients enjoy having visitors, please be considerate of the rest your loved one needs to heal.
  • To respect patient privacy, please leave the room during medical discussions or treatments, unless a patient/provider asks you to stay.