Three gallons of blood are used per minute in the United States. One in seven hospitalized patients will need blood. 38,000-40,000 units are needed per day.
Blood donation is an easy way to help save lives. Our last drive saved 69 lives!
Please consider donating at our blood drive Thursday, February 13th between 9 am and 2 pm.
Appointments can be scheduled at rrvbc.org. Walk-ins are welcome!
Not sure if you are eligible?
Check out the donor requirements listed below. Any further questions can be addressed by the Blood Center staff on the day of the drive or by calling 1-877-778-2299 (1-877 RRVBC-99).
Basic Donor Eligibility Requirements:
- You are in good health.
- You are at least 17 years old. There is no upper age limit.
- You must weigh at least 110 pounds.
- You have not donated whole blood in the last 8 weeks.
- You have a normal blood pressure, pulse, temperature, and hemoglobin. These are checked by the Blood Center prior to the donation process.
- You are not pregnant or have not been pregnant in the last 6 weeks.
- You have not been exposed to hepatitis in the last 12 months.
- You have not had hepatitis or jaundice after the age of 11 years old.
- Medications, including aspirin, vitamins, blood pressure medication, hormones, birth control pills, thyroid medication, and cholesterol lowering medication, do not necessarily disqualify a person from donating. The Blood Center will help determine if you should not donate based on your medications.
- You may donate after having surgery if you are back to your normal routine, are released from your doctor and did not receive any blood products.
- If you have traveled outside of the US or Canada, check with Blood Center personnel to verify eligibility.
- Controlled diabetics may donate if you have not used Bovine "beef" insulin at anytime since 1980.
- If you have, or have had cancer, the Blood Center will evaluate your condition and medications on an individual basis. You may be able to donate if you are currently in good health and your treatment has been completed for 12 months without any recurrence. If you have had leukemia or a lymphatic cancer you will not be able to donate.
- If you have had a heart attack, you will be evaluated individually.
- You may donate after recent body piercing if it was done with disposable and sterile supplies. Otherwise, you must wait 12 months before donating.
- If you have gotten a tattoo, you may donate if it was obtained in a state regulated entity with sterile needles and ink that has not been reused.
- It is recommended that you eat a meal within 3-4 hours of donating and drink plenty of fluids.
Donor Tips:
To prepare for a blood donation, keep yourself hydrated. I’m not good at this so I increase my water intake for at least three days before donating, longer if it is hot or I’ve been doing strenuous exercise or work.
Make sure you’ve eaten a meal within 3-4 hours of donating and maybe a little snack right before your appointment.
I like to bring a book to read but you might like to look at your favorite sites on your phone or schedule to donate with a friend to chat with.
After your donation, again, keep yourself hydrated especially the day of the donation. Enjoy a post donation snack!